A Remix is a unique type of sound recording where a Remixer Artist has used another artist's original recording (with their permission) and created a new "mix" (ie: Techno, Dubstep, etc.).
When submitting a track that is a Remix you must submit the Original recording artist as the Primary Artist AND submit the Remixer Artist with the role of "Remixer" as an additional contributor.
The Primary Artist and the Remixer Artist cannot be the same artist. In the situation where an artist creates a new mix of their own song, it is not technically a Remix, and you should use different versioning information in the title other than "(Remix)" to denote the different version.
For example:
- If Artist X records a song and then later Artist Y remixes that song, then Artist X would be submitted as the Primary Artist and Artist Y would be submitted as the Remixer, and "(Remix)" should be in the title of the track.
- If Artist X records a song and then later that same artist mixes a new version of that song, then it is not actually a remix and Artist X should be listed as the Primary Artist and there should be no Remixer submitted and the title of the track should have versioning information that does not contain the wording "(Remix)".
TLDR; A track is not a Remix if there is no Remixer Artist submitted and the Remixer Artist cannot be the original recording's Primary Artist.