When you create an account at Catapult, our system generates an activation e-mail that is sent to the e-mail address that you used to sign up with when you created your account. This is done so that we can verify that the e-mail address you provided is correct and that our system can communicate with you if necessary.
Most of the time users have no issue receiving these e-mails, however sometimes different e-mail providers may filter the e-mails that are sent making them difficult for some users to find them.
If you signed up for an account and cannot find the activation e-mail, we recommend doing one or more of the following:
- Login to your e-mail provider (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail) if applicable.
- Search for the subject "Welcome to Catapult".
- Search your Spam / Junk Mail Folder.
- Gmail users may need to search their Category label "Promotions".