The Original Release Date is the date the album was first made available for sell anywhere in the world and in any format.
For brand new albums, The Original Release Date would be the same as the Street Date.
It's very important that if your album or track has ever been sold in the past, that you submit the real Original Release Date for that album. The music stores frown on providing an incorrect Original Release Date for albums that have already been released before, and they have sometimes completely removed albums if the date was not accurate (Especially for very old albums that have recently been digitized for modern music stores) or they will display the correct original release date in their store (We have no control over this!). Some stores utilize 3rd party services that keep a record of historical albums and if they find it is incorrect, it can create problems for your album.
Further, please note that the Original Release Date cannot be before the album's (c) or (p) copyright year(s) or more than 1 year after the album's (c) or (p) copyright year(s).
IMPORTANT: If the album is a remastered version of a previously released album or track, you would submit the Original Release Date of the original album or track.