While most content that is submitted into our distribution service will be processed and delivered to the music stores, sometimes we will decline distributing a specific album and that determination is made at Catapult's sole discretion.
Content that often times is declined for distribution most often violates industry standard norms as it relates to metadata (ie: Track Titles, etc.) or that does not follow the guidelines of the music stores. Our Quality Control agents who process albums will most often be able to correct any small errors in the metadata like Title Casing, Version formatting, etc. when an album is submitted. But sometimes the metadata that is submitted by an artist is so unusual or too complicated for our agents to even comprehend. This is why it's important to follow the guidelines that we have posted in our Knowledge Base so you can understand what is expected by the music stores as it relates to album submissions.
In rare occasions, content that is submitted is so unusual, that it is not content that Catapult chooses to distribute and you may receive a message stating that it was declined based on "Editorial Discretion". This means the content is not something we will distribute as determined at our sole discretion and any setup fee(s) will be refunded back to your payment method.