We can deliver an Album to iTunes as a preorder with certain tracks flagged with the "Instant Gratification" option. This option basically allows:
1) Any customer to immediately purchase the track(s) on the album that are flagged as "Instant Gratification" track(s) while the album is available for preorder.
2) Any customer can preorder the entire album and receive the "Instant Gratification" track(s) immediately.
This can be a useful incentivizing tool to make your preorder more attractive for purchase by the end customer. Please note that you cannot have more than 50% of the tracks available as instant gratification tracks and the album wholesale price during the preorder will decrease by 1 wholesale tier.
IMPORTANT: While you can select your Album to be made available as a preorder in iTunes during the album submission process, you cannot currently select Instant Gratification as an option. To take advantage of the Instant Gratification option, you must contact Catapult Support after you submitted your album and request this option.